The Hills Regional Skills Centre (THRSC) (90512) was established in 1992 by Redeemer Baptist School (RBS). Infrastructure support for the development of facilities was provided by the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). THRSC is registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) under the legal authority of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
THRSC was established as a regional centre for the delivery of Vocational Education and Training for school students as a cross-sectoral education facility and as such is available to serve government and non-government schools. THRSC offers vocational education in Business, Construction, Hospitality, and Information Digital Media and Technology for school students. Courses are provided for Years 10, 11 and 12 that are accredited by both the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES)—for Stage 5, Preliminary and Higher School Certificate (HSC)—and ASQA. These dual-accredited courses are delivered by staff with the prerequisite industry and vocational qualifications and experience.
THRSC now offers its own Nationally Recognised courses to train teachers, teacher aides, parents and health professionals in literacy, including the 10033NAT Certificate III in WRAP (a Writing Approach to Reading) and the 10034NAT Graduate Certificate in WRAP (A Writing Approach to Reading). WRAP has now been delivered in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, SA and the NT.
In addition exclusive licence has been granted to the Australian Literacy and Numeracy Foundation (ALNF) for delivery of the following courses by The Hills Regional Skills Centre (THRSC) and/or nominated alternative registered training organisation: 10034NAT Graduate Certificate in Coding Aboriginal Languages for Indigenous Literacy, and 10028NAT Certificate IV in Early Language and Literacy.
small businesses operating from thrsc campuses
A unique feature of THRSC is the number of small businesses operating from our Campuses which enable for real work place training.
Redeemer Baptist Maintenance
Building and construction, carpentry and joinery, heritage restoration, general maintenance
Redeemer Baptist Services
Architectural design, conservation reports
Information and computing services
Redeemer Baptist Press
Redeemer Baptist Uniforms
Production, sub-contracting and sale of uniforms
Redeemer Baptist Bookstore
Books, music and stationery
The School seeks to create a learning environment that is thoughtful, free, sharing and respectful, rather than competitive, self-serving and fearful. This provides for the development of an authentic community. The School also seeks to encourage and strengthen Christian families in addition to those families who wish to share the life of the School.
Redeemer Baptist School offers a comprehensive range of academic subjects and activities for all ages. The School has consistently obtained high academic achievements in the Higher School Certificate (HSC), and in many other State and National competitions.
The school is recognised for its clear expectations in teaching and learning, and has a strong focus on its K–12 literacy program using the WRAP—Writing Approach to Reading—method of instruction. Redeemer Baptist School, along with other schools and personnel, has been instrumental in introducing this WRAP program to staff in schools in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, SA and the NT.
Senior school students are offered a full range of subject selections, including higher level subjects such as Mathematics—Extension 2. A special language program is also provided for students of non-English speaking backgrounds.
The camping program of the School provides great opportunity for students to experience a range of adventures—canoeing, hiking, swimming—and to be challenged in their values and beliefs.
Whilst employing a balanced approach to learning with technology, Redeemer Baptist School has pioneered developments within the Design and Technology course, winning many awards. From 1996 – 2008, the School has won State and regional awards in the NSW “Minister’s Young Designers Awards” competition. In 2010, a Redeemer student won the Powehouse Museum award for innovation and design. The School has also gained an excellent reputation in Music and Drama.
Redeemer students have been named the NSW Science Teachers’ Association Young Scientist of the Year five times: Peter Rees (2000); Marcus Cannon and Simeon Cannon (2003); Ian Cannon and Rickystan Savaiko (2006); Chaneg Torres (2008); and Chanum Torres (2014). In addition, eleven Redeemer students have represented Australia in the Intel ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) which is conducted in USA and ten of them have taken out significant awards. Redeemer students have also been winners of the BHP Billiton Science Awards, including: Peter Kaye-Smith (1999); Keith Lam and Marbury Lau (2000); Marcus Cannon and Simeon Cannon (2004); and Ian Cannon and Rickystan Savaiko (2007). The successes of the School in this area are well known, too many to list.