A registered training organisation established in 1992
Who We Are
The Hills Regional Skills Centre
THRSC was established by Redeemer Baptist School with infrastructure support from the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA). THRSC is registered by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) under the legal authority of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011. THRSC offers vocational education in Business, Construction, Hospitality, and Information Digital Media & Technology for school students. THRSC also offers courses to train teachers, teacher aides, parents and health professionals in literacy, including WRAP (a Writing Approach to Reading). Exclusive licence has been granted to the Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation (ALNF) for delivery of the following courses by The Hills Regional Skills Centre (THRSC) and/or nominated alternative registered training organisation: Coding Aboriginal Languages for Indigenous Literacy, and Early Language & Literacy.
THRSC is a cross-sectoral education facility and as such is designed to serve government and non-government schools alike. Courses are provided for Years 10, 11 and 12 that are accredited by both the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES)—for Stage 5, Preliminary and Higher School Certificate (HSC)—and ASQA. These dual-accredited courses are delivered by staff with the pre-requisite industry and vocational qualifications and experience.
If you are confusing? Do not worry. We offer free consultation to help you make a decision with the best creativity and quality that you deserve.
Our Services
Design & Build Package
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Project Management
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Building Renovation
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Why Choose Us?
We Are Creative
As a leader in our industry, we have always worked to develop advanced technology and innovative methods.
Honest And Dependable
Our expert teams are selected specifically for each client, and they are highly trained, using ingenuity to solve problems creatively.
Quality Commitment
We let our quality work and commitment to customer satisfaction be our slogan.
We Are Always Improving
We strive to meet the needs of the world today without jeopardizing the needs of the world tomorrow.