
I would like to congratulate you and your School again because whatever you are doing is working. I have been totally overwhelmed by the positive feedback that I have received from employers who have taken on your students as well as those students whom I have had personally. Again please pass this on to your teachers, parent’s and students that your students have performed exceptionally and beyond my expectation.

John Watters (Executive officer, AusSIP)



Certificate I in Business BSB10115
Business Services (Stage 5) BOSTES 84450

Certificate II in Business BSB20115
Business Services (HSC) BOSTES 26104

Certificate III in Business BSB30115
Business Services Specialisation Study (HSC) BOSTES 26104



Certificate I in Construction CPC10111
Construction (Stage 5) BOSTES 82501

Certificate II in Construction CPC20112
Construction (HSC) BOSTES 26201


Certificate I in Hospitality SIT10213
Hospitality (Stage 5) BOSTES 89485

Certificate II in Kitchen Operations
Hospitality (HSC) BOSTES 26501

Certificate II in Hospitality
Hospitality (HSC) BOSTES 26501

Information, Digital Media and Technology

Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology ICT10115
Information & Digital Literacy (Stage 5) BOSTES 84650

Certificate II in Information, Digital Media & Technology ICT20115
Information and Digital Technology (HSC) BOSTES 27301

Certificate III in 
Information, Digital Media & Technology (Statement of Attainment) ICT30115
Information & Digital Technology (HSC) BOSTES 27303